
Please note that flat soled trainers are not permitted on the pitch at any time. Blades and metal studs are not recommended as they tend to cause more injuries and more wear on the pitch. Rubber-moulded studs and astro boots are best. Plastic studs are acceptable.

3G – Rubber Crumb Safety Statement:


“Third generation or 3G artificial grass pitches are recognised as durable, safe, year-round playing surfaces, able to withstand intensive use and all kinds of weather. They mean more people can benefit from all the associated social and health benefits of physical activity.

Concerns have however been raised about the safety associated with these pitches and their constituent parts, most commonly the presence of rubber crumb. We take these concerns very seriously.

We have monitored numerous independent scientific studies on this issue, which have reported a very low/negligible level of concern for human health as a result of 3G pitches and rubber crumb.

Indeed, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has recently published its own findings, following an extensive EU-wide study, and has found no reason to advise people against playing sport on 3G pitches with rubber crumb.

The Sport and Play Contractors Association (SAPCA), the UK trade body for the sports pitch industry, is working to develop a voluntary industry standard that will provide restrictions that go above and beyond what is currently required for rubber crumb under European regulation. The Football Association, Sport England and leading sport governing bodies all support this approach and will continue to work with the industry to provide reassurance that pitches in this country are safe.”